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CopySouth Research Group (CSRG)

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Messages : 2665
Inscription : mer. 24 mars 2010, 22:35
Localisation : IdF

CopySouth Research Group (CSRG)

Messagepar harpalos » mer. 16 juin 2010, 19:16

The CopySouth Research Group (CSRG) invites you to attend and join in the debates at its three day international conference on copyright to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at the end of June.

It is an important moment to discuss these issues. In 1710 — exactly three hundred years ago — the first copyright law in the world was enacted in England. Is this an anniversary worth celebrating? Around the world, the antiquated assumptions of copyright law and ideology are again being questioned and new conflicts are breaking out. In Brazil, for example, more than 500 musicians, writers, academics and others signed an open letter in late May calling on their government to reform its copyright laws so that users can have more access to music and books. Meanwhile, the well-financed campaign against so-called copyright “piracy” has become even more vocal and threatens us all... except large corporations. Although three of the most important countries in the global South — China, India and Brazil — were not even invited to the talks, a new anti-piracy treaty called ACTA is about to be signed by rich nations in North America and Europe, as well as Japan and a few smaller countries.
Ce sont des notions importantes ; une fois acquises, ils s'en serviront toute leur vie: finir son travail ; respecter le travail des autres ; suivre une consigne ; régler les conflits sans se battre... Ce sont des apprentissages que nous enseignons à nos élèves, et lorsqu'ils les maîtrisent, je leur donne une gommette. -- Édith, directrice d'école maternelle.

"Je ne suis pas d'accord avec votre projet de bruler ce livre ou ce drapeau, mais je me battrai pour votre droit de le faire" - Voltaire

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