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droit d'auteur, consultation europeenne

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droit d'auteur, consultation europeenne

Messagepar larose75 » ven. 24 janv. 2014, 14:40

Suite activisme international, la version française de vient d'être mise en ligne

Pour mémoire, l'union européenne a lancer une consultation officielle sur le droit d'auteur, et certains pirates ont décidé de traduire en des termes simples cette problèmatique pour que le plus grand nombre de citoyens puisse utilement prendre position

Voilà un grand pas vers la démocratie liquide qui nous est si chère

Diffusable sur les différents sociaux

merci de votre aide
Dernière édition par larose75 le ven. 24 janv. 2014, 20:27, édité 1 fois.
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Messagepar cry-stof » ven. 24 janv. 2014, 16:44

Larose faudrait que quelqu'un te dise un jour que de mettre un lien vers un site dans le titre c'est nul et ça ne sert à rien
Pour ne pas être perdu: mode d'emploi
Mailing Régional
"ne demande pas au PP ce qu'il peut faire pour toi mais ce que tu peux faire pour le PP"
j'autorise les modérateurs à corriger mes messages
http : / / mon raccourcisseur d'url officiel pour moi

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Inscription : jeu. 07 juin 2012, 19:24

Re: droit d'auteur, consultation europeenne

Messagepar larose75 » ven. 24 janv. 2014, 20:28

ca me rappelle quelque chose... ;-)
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Inscription : jeu. 23 janv. 2014, 17:41

Re: droit d'auteur, consultation europeenne

Messagepar pirate_slash » mer. 29 janv. 2014, 03:44

Status-update regarding spreading - 01.29.2014 (from the last couple of days):

- new translations set online on
-- french
-- polish
-- romanian
-- czech

- spreading actions:
-- All 28 pirate parties of all 28 EU member states are incorporated via multiple channels; for details see this: ... meslider#2
-- The swedish pirates sent out an email to all of their members asking them to reply the EU copyright consultation via (???? persons)
-- The czech pirates sent out an email to all of their members and fans asking them to reply the EU copyright consultation via (approximately 3.000 persons)
-- The chech pirates put a web banner of on their main site:
-- more online streaming and warez sites contacted
-- more threads started on message boards
-- more copyright-critical none-end-users incorporated

- statistics - :
-- UK and Austria clearly moved up a gear the last couple of days
-- someone obviously spreads the link to by single uploads on
-- most of our visitors (every third visitor) come from - that's a criminalized online streaming site for movies, which links at from their main page
-- Global alexa rank 604,051

Please also go into the spread pad - - and continue the good work !
7 Days left.

/ aka Oliver

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Inscription : jeu. 23 janv. 2014, 17:41

Re: droit d'auteur, consultation europeenne

Messagepar pirate_slash » ven. 31 janv. 2014, 01:22

Status-update regarding spreading - 01.30.2014 (compared to the 01.29.2014):

- spreading actions:
-- more threads started on message boards
-- more copyright-critical non-end-users incorporated

- statistics - :
-- Austria got ahead of the UK and now is on position 2
-- Global alexa rank clearly improved from 604,051 to 585,656; so we jumped approximately 20.000 positions ahead ^^ ...

- important strategic note:
-- this friday is the last day, when it makes sence to incorporate copyright-critical non-end-users like NGOs, ISPs, libraries, companies, costumer protection associations, etc. !
The reason for this is, that such actors are not that flexible in replying input from outside than a private person; organizations have
longer internal process structures and thus need more time. So, consider this and make use of this last opportunity by focussing on such actors on friday.

Please go into the spread pad - - and continue the good work !
6 days left.

/ aka Oliver

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Inscription : jeu. 23 janv. 2014, 17:41

Re: droit d'auteur, consultation europeenne

Messagepar pirate_slash » ven. 31 janv. 2014, 04:04

addition to status-update regarding spreading - 01.30.2014:
-- the wicked czech pirates created and set up huge in real life ! Check it out:
Image ... 7175234560

pirate_slash a écrit :Status-update regarding spreading - 01.30.2014 (compared to the 01.29.2014):

- spreading actions:
-- more threads started on message boards
-- more copyright-critical non-end-users incorporated

- statistics - :
-- Austria got ahead of the UK and now is on position 2
-- Global alexa rank clearly improved from 604,051 to 585,656; so we jumped approximately 20.000 positions ahead ^^ ...

- important strategic note:
-- this friday is the last day, when it makes sence to incorporate copyright-critical non-end-users like NGOs, ISPs, libraries, companies, costumer protection associations, etc. !
The reason for this is, that such actors are not that flexible in replying input from outside than a private person; organizations have
longer internal process structures and thus need more time. So, consider this and make use of this last opportunity by focussing on such actors on friday.

Please go into the spread pad - - and continue the good work !
6 days left.

/ aka Oliver

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Inscription : jeu. 23 janv. 2014, 17:41

Re: droit d'auteur, consultation europeenne

Messagepar pirate_slash » dim. 02 févr. 2014, 17:20

Status-update regarding spreading - 02.02.2014 (compared to the 01.30.2014):

- spreading actions:
-- the dutch pirates added the link to their monthly newsletter to prompt people to fill out the questionaire
-- more threads started on message boards
-- more copyright-critical non-end-users incorporated

- statistics - :
-- Global alexa rank clearly improved from 585,656 to 551,152; so we jumped approximately 35.000 positions ahead within a couple of days ^^ ...

- important strategic note:
The day before yesterday the european commission postponed the deadline by 1 month, so
we have 1 more month time to reply; new deadline is the 5th of March

Be sure that the european commission didn't do this because of spontaneously discovered democratic charity !
Amelia assumes it's also to get more rightsholder mobilisation. collecting agencies now urging members to respond.
So, we see 2 things here:
Obviously we had some effect with our copywrongs-initiative.
It's very important, that we promote even more !
Look in the spreading pad - - there's work to be done and there are not enough pirates
doing it. That's why in the pad you only find entries of spreading actions of the czech, swedish, austrian, german and dutch pirates ! But we're 28 pirate parties in the EU !
What we must acchieve is, that in each one of the 28 EU member states there are at least 2 pirates, who are constantly and seriously working on promotion of
based on the structure of the spread pad - - and documenting every action there...

So, please help us !

1. go in the spreading pad -

2. additionally visit and - is the language, which is spoken the most in your country, covered on both web sites ?
If yes, then go to step 3, if no, then either translate in or

3. Have your federal executive board already send a e-mail to all pirate party members urging them to participate in the EU copyright consultation via ?
If yes, then go to step 4, if no, then write one e-mail and urge your federal executive board to do so; document everything in the spreading pad -

4. Do you find a web banner set in the language, which is spoken the most in your country, in the spreading pad - ?
If yes, then go to step 5, if no, then create one and post it in the spreading pad; here is the editable web template for it: ...
Of course, if you want, you can create a totally new one; here's an inspiration for this - it says "vote on copyright" in the header and as you can see,
it's designed a bit different... (no glow, calmer background)

5. Head for super nodes ! (people/accounts with MANY followers)
NOONE did this so far, although it's so efficient & effective !
Try to make big youtubers make a video about
Try to make big tumblrer (!?) tumblr about
Try to make big twitterers twitter about
you get it...

6. Head for wikipedia of the language, which is spoken the most in your country !
Try to make wikipedia place one of the youcan.fixcopyright-web banners - - on wikipedia and link to with it !

7. Head for criminalized filesharing and streaming websites (the bigger the web site the better) !
You all know them - the places where you can see the newest cinema movies for free,
the places where you get the link to the download of the movie/software/music album/ebook/etc. you are looking for
The Cyberlockers, the torrent indexes, the file meta-seach-engines, etc. GO FOR IT !
Try to make these platforms place one of our copywrongs-web banners on their main site and link to with it !
Befor almost 2 weeks in Germany we had a great success with this approach; we've contacted the team behind via web contact formular
and asked them to support distribution of by a web banner, and they did so: is a criminalized movie streaming site in german, which has at least 1 million visitors daily !
You can do this too ! Here's a cover letter template in english for it, which you can translate if necessary - ... eslider#59 - like everything you can find this link in the spread pad !

8. Head for the message boards, which are prominent in your country ! The bigger the message board, the better; especially head for filesharing message boards.
Start threads to in such message boards. Here's a template in english for this, which you can translate if necessary: ... eslider#13

9. Send a topic suggestion to newspapers and other medias refering on and the postponed deadline of the EU copyright consultation !

10. Head for copyright-critical other actors !
Don't let this EU consultation degenerate to a clinch between rightholders and consumers; try to make
the whole broad society participate in the EU copyright consultation, meaning...
- the teacher associations,
- NGOs,
- library associations,
- consumer protection associations,
- internet provider associations,
- online gamer associations
- etc.
There are a lot of appropriate templates for this in the spreading pad (look in the spread pad below).
When you take one of these templates in general it's necessary to individualize it !

32 days left.

/ aka Oliver

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Inscription : jeu. 23 janv. 2014, 17:41

Re: droit d'auteur, consultation europeenne

Messagepar pirate_slash » ven. 14 févr. 2014, 14:45

copywrongs initiative - promotion status update 14.02.2014

Here's the latest promotion status update of our copywrongs initiative - ... 686#p49686
As you can see, a lot happened; exciting times ! :)
We got competition, so now we need to shift up a gear. Let's do so by incorporating all european pirate parties and pirate parties, who speak official EU languages, in our copywrongs initiative.

/ aka Oliver

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Re: droit d'auteur, consultation europeenne

Messagepar larose75 » ven. 14 févr. 2014, 15:06

retrouver sur l'article de numérama qui indique que cette initiative bouleverse le jeu des lobbys qui pensaient tranquillement passer leurs désidératas...

c'était sans compter sur les pirates ! ;-) ... oyens.html
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Re: droit d'auteur, consultation europeenne

Messagepar pirate_slash » lun. 17 févr. 2014, 02:55

larose75 a écrit :retrouver sur l'article de numérama qui indique que cette initiative bouleverse le jeu des lobbys qui pensaient tranquillement passer leurs désidératas...

c'était sans compter sur les pirates ! ;-) ... oyens.html

Awesome ! I'm going to tweet about it via our initiative twitter account... done: ... 8020377600

Well, we've made some progress: is translated into french, is translated into french,
and we've called the canadian pirate party to support you, because they also can speak french ;D ...
what I still don't see is a web banner set, with which you could head for streaming platforms like and ask
them to support spreading of copywrongs by placing a copywrongs web banner on their main site.

If you indeed have such web banner sets, tell me, if not, then please translate the following sentences into french, and I see, that I make you
french web banner sets within the next days:

1. HELP REFORM COPYRIGHT - The EU is going to reform copyright soon and in this context is asking YOU: „How copyright should be changed?“ - Tell the EU now!

2. VOTE ON COPYRIGHT - The EU is going to reform copyright soon and in this context is asking YOU: „How copyright should be changed?“ - Tell the EU now! - TIL 5th OF MARCH

/ aka Oliver

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Inscription : jeu. 23 janv. 2014, 17:41

Re: droit d'auteur, consultation europeenne

Messagepar pirate_slash » mer. 19 févr. 2014, 15:56

pirate_slash a écrit :
larose75 a écrit :retrouver sur l'article de numérama qui indique que cette initiative bouleverse le jeu des lobbys qui pensaient tranquillement passer leurs désidératas...

c'était sans compter sur les pirates ! ;-) ... oyens.html

Awesome ! I'm going to tweet about it via our initiative twitter account... done: ... 8020377600

Well, we've made some progress: is translated into french, is translated into french,
and we've called the canadian pirate party to support you, because they also can speak french ;D ...
what I still don't see is a web banner set, with which you could head for streaming platforms like and ask
them to support spreading of copywrongs by placing a copywrongs web banner on their main site.

If you indeed have such web banner sets, tell me, if not, then please translate the following sentences into french, and I see, that I make you
french web banner sets within the next days:

1. HELP REFORM COPYRIGHT - The EU is going to reform copyright soon and in this context is asking YOU: „How copyright should be changed?“ - Tell the EU now!

2. VOTE ON COPYRIGHT - The EU is going to reform copyright soon and in this context is asking YOU: „How copyright should be changed?“ - Tell the EU now! - TIL 5th OF MARCH

/ aka Oliver

Case cleared so far !
I also asked Gilles for this and in the meantime he did the translation. :)

But there is one thing regarding which I need your help:
You see this here ? - Wouldn't it be nice, if the biggest french
streaming site would do the same ? I'm working for acchieving this, but now I need some help ^^...

But first of all:
When I only can speak french and want to easily watch any movies or series via a website without downloading,
where do I go then ? What's the most popular website for something like this in the french language room?
I couldn't find it out by recherche - - so I'm asking you .
I've found another thing we can address, but that's another thing: - sweet spot, which is
highly frequented, but it's not a streaming site, it's a torrent site.

And now to the translation:

The french translation is ready, so I'm going to sit down and work out 2 things:
1. A french web banner set, probably containing both listed web banner sets
2. A GitHub pull request + asking the programers behind to merge it into

The next step from there is heading for this one big french streaming site - that's why I'm asking you for
the URL of this site in the french language room - and try to ask the team behind it, to support us by
placing one of our web banners on their main site til 5th of March.
For this I really hope that site has a contact web formular ! ^^

So much to the streaming site thing...
now to the torrent thing:
As already mentioned, t411 really is a good target; the problem is:
How to address the team behind it ?
I was looking for a contact web formular, but I had no success regarding this.
The only thing I've found was a list with moderators and super-moderators - unfortunally no admins - so
this sub site is not that helpful. And just to open a thread in the forum there is not as effective as if
one of our web banners would be set on their main site, at all, so that really should be the very last option,
if anything else wasn't successful. Can you find a contact web formular or anything else like an e-mail-address
there, in order to get in contact with the team behind this website ?

/ aka Oliver

Messages : 21
Inscription : jeu. 21 juin 2012, 22:25

Re: droit d'auteur, consultation europeenne

Messagepar K13b3r » jeu. 20 févr. 2014, 02:26

Hello, I see your post in the forum and think you prefer email because it is faster for you to see it I think.
So the best streaming sites in france are
Like you can see here
Contact page is
Some similar sites are if you need more I know some others.
And I also want to know if you are interested by direct download sites (links the old megaupload) they are really used in France ... #35 in France
For the torrents I know wich is more known because no registration is needed ;)
If you need help to contact the sites or to translate the messages you had sent i'll be pleased to help you.

I copy that on the forum to avoid repetitions by others.

PS : to contact T411 I mail you the adress I found in FAQ : staff at

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Re: droit d'auteur, consultation europeenne

Messagepar larose75 » jeu. 20 févr. 2014, 15:14

ah oui et y'a aussi :D
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Re: droit d'auteur, consultation europeenne

Messagepar pirate_slash » jeu. 20 févr. 2014, 17:45

So... half works done... working out the french web banner set took me the whole last 24 hours - sleep time excluded.
Here the link to the web banners:
- preview:
- overall preview:
- packet:,20779594/ - pirate party link: ...

I hope that "VOTE SUR LE DROIT D'AUTEUR" and "AU 5 MARS" is correct french. Had to figure it out by my own, because
the french translation didn't contain this... if not, tell me, and I will correct it...
The next thing I'm going to do is working out the GitHub pull request, so that specifically also addresses all the streamers/filesharers/wannabes...

K13b3r a écrit :Hello, I see your post in the forum and think you prefer email because it is faster for you to see it I think.
So the best streaming sites in france are
Like you can see here
Contact page is
Some similar sites are if you need more I know some others.
And I also want to know if you are interested by direct download sites (links the old megaupload) they are really used in France ... #35 in France
For the torrents I know wich is more known because no registration is needed ;)
If you need help to contact the sites or to translate the messages you had sent i'll be pleased to help you.

I copy that on the forum to avoid repetitions by others.

PS : to contact T411 I mail you the adress I found in FAQ : staff at

Thousand thanks for the support, K13b3r !
I'd like to accept your help offer. Could you please translate this cover letter for DpStream into french ?
That would be too nice. Here's the link to the relate pad:

As soon as the cover letter is translated I'm going to incorporate DpStream by the contact page you've linked.

Yes, similar sites, direct download sites, and torrent sites are in great demand - the bigger, the better ! ;)
First of all, lets focus on DpStream, and then lets head for the other sites.

After that I'll turn to the italian pirates and will do all the same together with them; they already did an italian version of
the web banner set by their own - luckily ;) ...

/ aka Oliver
Dernière édition par pirate_slash le jeu. 20 févr. 2014, 21:25, édité 1 fois.

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Inscription : jeu. 07 juin 2012, 19:24

Re: droit d'auteur, consultation europeenne

Messagepar larose75 » jeu. 20 févr. 2014, 18:16



and "AU 5 MARS" is correct french

the correct translation will be "jusqu'au 5 mars"
but you can use "avant le 5 mars" to be better understood

and a big BRAVO for your work !
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